Saturday, July 20, 2013


上兩星期心血來潮把好多年前買下的《料理仙姬》拿來看,竟然一發不可收拾。(我知我係慢了 n 拍,但我一向這樣。這個 boxset 已經完全記不起是甚麼時候買下,但當然是為蒼井優買的,搬來澳洲時也隨身帶了過來,只是遲到今天才看。) 明明其實沒有時間做一些與工作沒有直接關係的事,但現在「公事」之間都一定忍不住放一集。製作雖然馬馬虎虎,但只要有蒼井優在螢幕前行行企企,或者做些荒謬的事例如閑來花幾百萬買件古董放在庭院沐浴天地正氣,其他的都不需要太挑剔了。劇本以通俗方式痛罵消費主義和即食文化,歌頌老店人情味,不講求效率、不講求效益,同你講心(我幾乎覺得這是通俗版《一代宗師》),令我覺得就算跟西人牛頭不搭馬嘴其實都不是甚麼難過的事(去你的 marketing !)。最近心情實在好多了,很多瑣事開似不放在心上,第一次感受到治癒係的力量!


Sunday, July 14, 2013


為甚麼有些影評讀著就是很 dry ...

"Works of criticism tend to approach their subject in order to illustrate a particular idea, far less often, unfortunately, do they start off from the direct, living, emotional impact of the work in question. For an unclouded perception you have to have an outstanding capacity for original, independent, 'innocent' judgement. Generally people look for familiar examples and prototypes for confirmation of their opinion, and a work of art is assessed in relation to, or by analogy with, their private aspirations or personal position. On the other hand, of course, in the multiplicity of judgements passed upon it, the work of art in its turn takes on a kind of inconstant and many-faceted life of its own, its existence enhanced and widened. "

Andrei Tarkovsky, Sculpting in Time