Friday, December 26, 2008

A Debt Contracted in Bed

我就知道,我會對 Béatrice 改觀的。

莎岡的 The Unmade Bed ,情節是在意料之內(本來讀莎岡,就不是為了情節──無非是很多很多的 Ménage À Trois )。雖然她也調皮地借用了希臘悲劇的結構,在結尾安排「急轉與發現」( Reversal of the Situation ),讓 Béatrice 在不懷惡意之下犯下「嚴重的過失(hamartia)」,她正開始緊張戀人 Édouard 的感受,偏偏禁不住直認自己出軌。 小說最終卻當然沒有悲劇收場, Béatrice 的過失,反而為她帶來一個更圓滿的結局,令她與 Édouard 可以更坦然相對, Édouard 全盤接受了她興之所致便會偷腥的習性,真可謂 love conquers all 。

而正正是 Béatrice 那出乎女性本能的過失,令我無法不愛上她。

Béatrice 對痴心戀人 Édouard 視而不見到公然在他面前跟其他男人調情,將所有情人都操控在股掌之中: “Only she could persuade one lover to photograph her swooning in the arms of the other” 。某天權力關係一百八十度逆轉: Béatrice 竟然發覺自己愛上了 Édouard ,她開始對他著緊,開始害怕他會離她而去(而 Édouard 反而感到不自在, very typical of human being )。 Édouard 遠飛美國出席新劇首映, Béatrice 一方面愛得痴纏,一方面難耐誘惑,愛人離去當夜已禁不住與好友兼舊愛 Nicolas 重拾風流,並夜夜春風,直到Édouard 歸來。不過這是 Béatrice 最 romantic 最 delicious 的一次出軌:心裡有專一的對像,才有出軌的感覺,才有一種輕盈的 guilty pleasure 。而她和 Nicolas 的重新撻著,是那麼自然又那麼 mutual ,起先他們顧左右而言他,不去觸碰那一觸即發的火花:

“Both were reluctant to break the spell of closeness and good cheer, not to mention availability, that hovered between them…now the strong hot drink of desire was coursing through her body, bending it to its yoke, making the blood pound in her wrist, her legs, at the very centre of her being. The pulse throbbed in her lips as Nicolas kissed her, and an hour later, the same record found them on the carpet in front of a cold fire.”

Béatrice 那個最八掛多事的經理人,稍稍一點風吹草動也逃不過她的眼睛,偏偏見盡這對男女出雙入對,絲毫不覺別有內情,還口若懸河地對歸來的 Édouard 誇口 Béatrice 的「貞潔」:「她沒有不安份,而且 Nicolas 天天陪伴在側,在她思念你的時候安慰她,又晚晚送她歸家……」

此刻便是我對 Béatrice (也是對莎岡)的 woman instincts 最歎為觀止的時刻──大而化之的經理人正好幫她圓了個美滿的謊言,七分真三分假,特別在她這麼緊張 Édouard 的時候,然而:

“…that she’d slept with someone called Nicolas a week ago, that she’d enjoyed it immensely, and that she wasn’t about to repudiate any of it…. It was intolerable that someone should talk about the muscular body and gentle hands and agile mouth of a men as devoted to his own pleasure as she was to hers, as if he were a puppet, or a eunuch…. No, there was a debt of honour between a man and a woman if the debt had been contracted in bed…. All she know was that it was dishonourable to deny all those superb moments spent mouth to mouth, those urgent questions and obvious responses, that need they’d each felt for one another. And this was true even if that gaze and that mouth and that body were no longer desirable…”

Béatrice 不能忍受她曾經那麼享受的歡愉,被庸俗經理人和知性的愛人──這兩個不能充份理解 sensuality 的人──全盤否定,她不能忍受他們竟然相信她 Béatrice 與 Nicolas 夜夜相對,可以甚麼都沒有發生。因此,她在兩人面前冷冷地說出事實:「你說他晚晚陪著我是真的,不過他在為我打開大門以後,也陪我一起進屋,我們每晚都上床。」

自然深深傷害了 Édouard 。

Béatrice 的過失出於她對 sensuality 的執著,與奧賽羅、馬克白、哈姆雷特、美狄亞等等的過失都無異,是性格造成的錯誤判斷──曾被我說成是俗物的 Béatrice ,終於性格全出。

書裡還有一段細節非常精采。 Béatrice 在 Those without Shadows 裡的舊情人 Joylet 受癌症折磨,每天要打嗎啡針止痛。 Béatrice 每天下午也會去探望他,不是出於同情心,只是內心覺得有種必要;而 Joylet 也只愛看見她,因為她不會對他的處境表現出任何憐憫,只會視他如普通人,不把他的病弱與不堪看成一件事。那或許是無情,卻也是慈悲,一種 Béatrice 自己都不曾意會的慈悲: “…you have no respect for my condition. And no compassion either. Which means you respect the only Joylet I respect myself, the one who’s gay and witty and light-heatred.” 莎岡說,大部份的動物都會在同類臨死的時候相伴在側,讓牠保持溫暖。 Béatrice 正是憑一種動物性的未經修飾的溫情,守護著 Joylet 的意志,直到他死亡。的確, Béatrice 這種天然的冷漠,很多時比一些太溫情或太 cliche 的關心,更讓人感動。

於是, The Unmade Bed 圓滿了 Béatrice 作為一個自私、殘忍,卻又感性、可愛的女人。她有一種無善無惡,卻令人想靠近的天然魅力。

Related: Alas, Béatrice

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