Monday, August 23, 2010


pesto on crackers

pesto 是意大利朋友的意大利 mama 用自家種的 basil 混 anchovies 做的。嘩,真是人間美食。

Wednesday, August 18, 2010




Friday, August 06, 2010

The French Lieutenant's Woman and the Aussie's Pussy Cat

"It was certainly not a beautiful face, by any period's standard or taste. But it was an unforgettable face, and a tragic face. Its sorrow welled out of it as purely, naturally and unstoppably as water out of a woodland spring. There was no artifice here, no hypocrisy, no hysteria, no mask; and above all, no sign of madness. The madness was in the empty sea, the empty horizon, the lack of reason for such sorrow; as if the spring was natural in itself, but unnatural in welling from a desert."

This is when the French Lieutenant's Woman, aka Tragedy, being described for the first time. Thanks to Tim who has to study this book in his research but for some reason has to put it aside for a while, that I can steal it and start reading, amid the time when I should be working on something more important...It was so captivating I think I can't stop reading, at least for today...

And the pussy cat reads with me.

Thursday, August 05, 2010


"A strange melancholy pervades me to which I hesitate to give the grave and beautiful name of sorrow..."


從前我以為 D 人把貓毛剃光是因為變態,原來毛太長有很多麻煩,她肚皮上的毛全打了結。剃毛後的她很瘦小,看起來有點可憐,但精神多了,開始會自我清潔( Tim 說以前也有,但我沒見過),沙盆也整齊了。我其實更愛她現在的樣貌,常在心裡怪笑,或許我始終還是有點變態(這也不是新聞了)。


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我家對面就是 New Farm Park 。今天放假,碰巧有稿要寫,便買了杯咖啡到公園裡翻書。

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之二:檀香香水。都是產自意大利。香味比我想像中失色,但勝在不 common ,也很 bohemian 。

Monday, August 02, 2010


晚上有時會聽到屋頂一群鳥獸飛過,然後一陣尖聲怪叫,不似獸又不似人, Tim 說那是素食的蝙蝠(吃水果)。

昨日清早, Tim 示意我快看窗外。一看,竟然是兩隻倒吊的蝙蝠!

我驚呼:噢,EDWARD !