Tuesday, December 18, 2012


上月寫一篇即日用的講稿,介紹電影節一部電影(因為太忙根本沒時間之前寫好),想引用一句看馬蒂斯(Henri Matisse)展覽時讀到的 quote ,我記得抄過在筆記,貼過在 facebook ,就是沒有貼過在這裡。

當時手邊沒有筆記, facebook 沒有搜尋功能,我每日貼的垃圾實在太多,根本不可能在短時間找到,唯有放棄,用自己的文字演譯意思。

今天想起這件事,找筆記一看,才發覺那 quote 不是在馬蒂斯展覽讀到的,而是在再早一點的超現實主義展覽讀到的,話者也不是馬蒂斯,而是馬格利特(Rene Magritte)--汗!


"People who look for symbolic meanings fail to grasp the inherent poetry and mystery of the image. No doubt they sense this mystery, but they wish to get rid of it. They are afraid. By asking "What does this mean?" they express a wish that everything be understandable. But if one does not reject the mystery, one has quite a different response. One asks other things."

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