Friday, February 15, 2008


再不喜歡《愛‧誘‧罪》的匠氣、做作和結構失衡,還是不得不覺得前半部的 poignancy 充滿神采。一切無非歸功於集世故與天真、冷峻與稚氣於一身的幼年 Briony ,小演員 Saoirse Ronan 眉目間並且刻記著作家的敏銳和神經質,令我幾乎相信小時候的張愛玲大抵亦是這般──因此實在很難接受日後這個女孩竟然「寫出」格調平庸的 Atonement,也很難接受她結尾通俗劇一般在電視螢幕前「懺悔」,說一堆感傷濫情的話。請勿誤會,我並不是不覺得幼年 Briony 的言行沒有對人構成傷害,只是那夾雜愛慾、妒忌和對性的迷亂的想像而來的「惡念」,惡得懾人心弦,那樣富文學的魅力,而 Briony 的的成長心態又那麼複雜和充滿糾結,本來正是電影的魅力所在;假如一切舖排只是為了誇大一對戀人所受的「苦難」,和帶出往後的「贖罪」和「懺悔」,無疑是浪費了前半段苦心經營的迷離氣氛。嗯嗯,當然人家連書名都叫「贖罪」,其意甚明,我這樣說可謂緣木求魚。(參考舒琪:一次過失,抱憾終生

這小鬼給我的印象是幽閉古肅,今晚首映的《誘心唔怕遲》( I Could Never be Your Woman )裡,她卻以截然不同的風格登場。假如十年前 Natalie Portman 在唇上塗滿蔻丹引吭高唱 "Like a virgin, touched for the very first time…" 令你有性和戀童的聯想,這一次 Saoirse Ronan 狂歌熱舞對著鏡子唱 "Oops I'm gonna sing more, and dance like a who~~re"("Oops I did it again" 的旋律)的 homage ,則惹來爆笑居多(看過她在《愛‧誘‧罪》的演出,會覺得特別惹笑),然而一樣艷光四射!完全撇除陰鬱,傻傻戇戇帶來更大驚喜,堪與老辣的媽媽 Michelle Pfeiffer 相較量,不不,老實說她已搶盡阿媽鏡。同阿媽討價還價爭論幾時可以失身──其實才剛剛第一次來月經,嘴裡又 whore 又 sex ,細路女其實明白多少呀?最興奮原來是跟同伴玩電話惡作劇和披件黑紗「扮女巫」,一天到晚發戀愛夢念念有詞同阿媽報告當日的追仔進度,語調老練但分明還是個徹頭徹尾的小豆丁:渴望成長,充滿困惑──但正正因為置身一場鬧劇,一切可以舉重若輕,憑嬉笑獲得抒解。不要以為演來容易,沒幾個小孩懂得捉摸這種吊詭的堪玩味處,分分鐘不是過份老積(早熟)便是太 cutie ,唯有 Saoirse Ronan 自然到得人驚。新 project 是改編法國同名暢銷小說的 The Lovely Bones ──話時話她的一臉雀斑老讓我想到 Ludivine Sagnier ── YO!



Anonymous said...


makuranososhi said...


Anonymous said...

The Lovely Bones is an all-American novel written by the US writer Alice Sebold. Wasn't all that it was cracked up to be but is a good read nevertheless. Let's see what tricks Peter Jackson has up to his sleeves...


makuranososhi said...

Yes, I did realize I made that mistake some time after posting but was too lazy to correct (thinking that no one actually reads this)...finally there is someone who come to correct me. If this is the "lamb" i used to know, this would be a very very big surprise. Thanks a lot for the message! I grabbed the book after knowing that piece of news but it is still on the queue...

makuranososhi said...

surprise that you still drop by this worthless site!

Anonymous said...

Worthless? Surprised? I'm a regular--more like a fan actually! Don't ever underestimate your writing and the power of it.

the one and only lamb