Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tears of Sublimation

I was soaked in tears when watching Ulysses' Gaze this afternoon, especially in scenes when A (Harvey Keitel) was travelling through present and past, memories and imaginations, bliss and bitterness, longings and regrets - just like in Eternity and A Day. But those were not tears of sadness, rather tears of sublimation. The music and the images summoned up some unspeakable sentiments deep in my soul.

If Visconti could best depict the aristocratic elegance and decadent obsession in Proust's In Search of Lost Time - a project he didn't manage to complete during his lifetime, Angelopoulos is undoubtedly the one and only one, if not the last one - for I can't see any potential ones coming, that can best transcend onto screen Proust's loneliness, nostalgia, complexes, unmendable scars, lost regrets and of course all those streams of consciousness...




"You come all this way looking for something that's believed to be lost..."

—S (Erland Josephson), in Ulysses' Gaze

1 comment:

birgit said...

truer than the truth